Hambidge 2017 Art Auction + Creative Hive Gala
The HAMBIDGE ART AUCTION + CREATIVE HiVE GALA on SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2017, at Colony Square in Midtown Atlanta was a new, expansive INTERMINGLING OF ART, FOOD & PERFORMANCE like you have never before experienced.
Artwork from 200 OF THE FINEST EMERGING AND ESTABLISHED ARTISTS from across the region were up for bidding, and over a hundred works on paper were on sale for the fixed price of $100.
JASON HACKENWERTH constructed an immense, awe-inspiring sculpture that spun and floated just out of reach, plus two Wearable sculptures that performers brought to life.
The Hambidge Center’s 2017 Art Auction + Creative HiVE Gala
Guests explored PROJECTS FROM THE HAMBIDGE CREATIVE HiVE, a new initiative bringing experimental and collaborative art into Midtown. A special selection of artists, aerialists, ecologists, potters, dancers, healers, weavers, musicians, poets & performers radically re-imagined
12 retail spaces at Colony Square and welcomed visitors inside their creative hives for EVENTS PLANNED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS NIGHT, allowing them to discover an immersive medley of sights, sounds and experiences.
Look at photos from the evening here.
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Sponsors, Patrons, Hosts and VIP ticket holders had the first opportunity to purchase “$100 Works on Paper,” and savor a sumptuous menu provided by Donetto and our Special Guest Chef, Michael Perez, plus special SKYY Vodka cocktails.
Find your favorite auction pieces, start your on-line bidding, enjoy fine food and drink on the veranda under the stars, as well as captivating performances and music.
Wander through Colony Square to discover the Creative HiVE projects and the magnificent Jason Hackenwerth sculpture.
All bidding was done on mobile devices through Paddle8, the online auction house. To register, preview & bid on artwork, visit Paddle8. Bidding began April 17 and ended April 29, 10pm.
All proceeds go toward Hambidge residencies for today’s brightest talents at our 600-acre creative sanctuary in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Provided by Anis Cafe & Bistro, Establishment, 5Church, O-Ku, Seven Lamps, Sun In My Belly and Zeal
Cash bar: SKYY Vodka specialty cocktails, Orpheus beers, fine wine by Tower, and libations of all kinds
Stylish attire + your fully charged mobile device
This year’s event was generously hosted by Colony Square, located at 1197 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30361
Terri Cameron + Liz Gillespie
Jason Cook + Alexandra Lucie
Jamie Badoud + Dayna Thacker + Jessica Helfrecht + Kate Warner + Christine Jason + Woodie Wisebram + Laura Heard
Donors of Paintings, Pottery, Photography, Sculpture, $100 Works on Paper & more
Bernice Abbot + Geoffrey Aldridge + Curtis Ames + Ashley Anderson + Collins Anderson + Meg Aubrey + David Baerwalde + Peter Bahouth + Melissa Payne Baker + Alisa Barry + Bonnie Beauchamp-Cooke + Laura Bell + Paul Stephen Benjamin + Jorie Berman + Daniel Biddy + Lillian Blades + Eileen Braun + Sheila Pree Bright + Kyle Brooks + Marc Brotherton + Lela Brunet + Susan Bryant + Caroline Bullock + Lucinda W. Bunnen + Jessica Caldas + Philip Carpenter + William Carpenter + Merrilee Challiss + Bo Choi + Namwon Choi + InKyoung Chun + Jermaine Clark + Charles Clary + Kevin Cole + Bethany Collins + Cecelia Condit + Donald B. Cooper + Elyse Defoor + Wendy DesChene & Jeff Schmuki + Manty Dey + Terri Dilling + Patrick Di Rito + Joe Dreher + Eben Dunn + Shae Edman + Sarah Emerson + Amie Esslinger + Annie Farrar + Derek Faust + Andrew Feiler + Nancy Floyd + Doug Foltz + Jill Frank + Ruth Franklin + Randy Gachet + Jane Garver + Jospeh Guay + Rich Gere + Alex Gingrow + Bojana Ginn + Jean Glenn + Ben Goldman + Amanda Greene + Cynthia Gregory + Matt Haffner + Alison Hamil + Tom Haney + Lydia Harris + Maggie Hasbrouck + Dana Haugaard + Megan Heeres + Jenny Henley + Brian Hitselberger + Lonnie Holley + Priscilla Hollingsworth + Sara Hornbacher + Gabriela Ibarra + Elizabeth Jarrett + Delanie Jenkins + Benjamin Jones + Jeremiah Jossim + Caitlin Kambic + Susan Ker-Seymer + Marcus Kenney + Kathryn Kolb + Miranda Kyle + Judy Lampert + Robbie Land + Christina Laurel + Jack Lawing + Chris Lewis + Elizabeth Lide + Donald Locke + Deedra Ludwig + Eric Mack + Timothy Massey + Chris McGrath + Casey McGuire + Forest McMullin + Donna Mintz + Todd Murphy + Barron Naegel + Sarah Nathaniel + Eleanor Neal + Susanne Nestory + C.J. Niehaus + Laura Noel + Dorothy O'Connor + Debora Oden + Chester Old + Masud Olufani + Adrienne Outlaw + Erin Palovick + Esteban Patiño + Kaye Patton + Vesna Pavlovic + Fahamu Pecou + Joseph Peragine + Allen Peterson + Lauren Peterson + Kris Pilcher + Kim Piotrowski + Amanda Platner + Sri Prabha + Barbara Pyle + Erika Raberg + Olivia Rado + Justin Rabideau + Michael Reese + Teresa Reeves + Seana Reilly + Leisa Rich + David Robinson + Donald Robson + Rana Rochat + Lucha Rodriguez + Stacie Rose + Hasani Sahlehe + Cooper Sanchez + Tommye Scanlin + Mark Schoon & Casey McGuire + Pete Schulte + Michael Scoggins + Dianna Settles + Jerry Siegel + Erin Sledd + Spencer Sloan + Vernon Smith + Alli Soble + Whitney Stansell + Marcy Starz + Nikki Starz + Ann Stewart + Kirsten Stingle + Jordan Stubbs + Thomas Swanston, Jr. + James Taylor + Tommy Taylor + Dayna Thacker + Constance Thalken + Zipporah Camille Thompson + Katie Troisi + Gregor Turk + Lisa Tuttle + Zuzka Vaclavik + Laura Vela + Shawn Vinson + Christina Vogel + Charlie Watts + Christian Bradley West + Michael West + Matthew White + Sarah White + Martha Whittington + Cori Williams + Fabian Williams + Ife Williams + Vanessa Williams + Mike Wsol + Jennifer Yorke + more!
Our sincere thanks to all the artists who have given their time, energy & talent in support of Hambidge.
Queen of the Field by Zipporah Thompson
Hive Mind Arise by Charlie Watts, Emma Alley, Kelly Blackmon, MaryGrace Phillips, Jared Kelly, Erin Palovick, Flight of Swallows, plus invited artists
You are Welcome, You’re Welcome by Erica Jamison, Sarah Nathaniel, MINT Gallery artists: Jessica Caldas, Danielle Deadwyler, Shae Edman, Natalie Escobar, Jane Foley, Kaye Lee Patton, Lauren Peterson, Amanda Grae Platner, Hasani Sahlele, and Terp Vairin
The Untamed Parlor by Matt Haffner and Laura Bell
Studio 515 by Bojana Ginn and Brian Ginn
The Rivalry of Your Elements by Katie Troisi and Olivia Rado
Midtown Players Club by Kris Pilcher, Elizabeth Jarrett, Miranda Kyle, Priscilla Smith, plus invited artists
Breath of the Compassionate by Erin Sledd, Ahsan Bari, Shannon Frye, Will Griffin, Amir S. Hamer, Michael Garvey, and Evan Carter
FREE ART! by Forest McMullin
World Wide Art Federation by Fabian Williams, Kimberly Binns, Horace Williams, Grace Kisa, and Maurice Evans
Fly On A Wall by Nathan Griswold, Nicole Johnson, Sean Nguyen-Hilton, and Jesse Tyler
Scenes by Dorothy O’Connor
Platinum Patrons Susan & Ron Antinori + Lucinda Bunnen
Gold Patrons Nikki & Randy Crohn + Debbie Lenz Clark & Steve Clark
Silver Hosts Turner Ball + Sherry & Jeff Cohen + Elizabeth Feichter & Frank White + Jennifer & Bowman Garrett + Laura & Gregg Heard + Melissa Bunnen Jernigan & James Jernigan + Bobbo Jetmundsen + Judy & Scott Lampert + Belinda & Ken Reusch + Kirk Rich + Paula Francis Rogers & Russell Rogers + Dot Stoller + Sustenance Design + Mary & Sam Thomas + Marcia Weber + Kathy & David Williams + Woodie & Steve Wisebram
Bronze Hosts Diane & Kent Alexander + Lyn & Rick Asbill + Robin Aiken & Bill Bolen + Philip Babb + Lee & Carter Bailey + Kit & David Bowlin + Donna & Andy Cash + Lucinda & Bob Chapman + Catherine & W. Byron Cocke + Coldwell Banker/Marc Castillo + Jason Cook + Tanya Counter + Margaret & Dallas Denny + Denise Dillard + Jesica & Brian Eames + Martha Eskew & Chet Tisdale + Alecia Adair-Foltz & Doug Foltz + Michelle & Ben Garren + Sarah Gillespie + Nena Griffith + Judy O. Higgins + Nancy & Gene Hooff + Caroline Howell + Brenda Locke + Alexandra & Craig Lucie + Rosemary Magee & Ron Grapevine + Marchant & Ron Martin + Jo & Jim McLean + Sheryl Meddin + Donna & Jeff Mintz + Kate & Michael Monk + Patricia Lynne Moody + Selene & Don Morgan + Angie Mosier + Rhonda Mullen + Vicky Nixon + Kayla & Rob Osborne + Tracey & Miller Peer + Lynn Pollard + Lilly & Jake Reid + Julie Rhoad + Jane Fickling Skinner & Dan Skinner + D. Jack Sawyer & Bill Torres + Claire Sterk + Anne & David Tracht + Clayton E. & Mary Jo Warner + Jessica & Matthew White + Barb & Thom Williams + Ruth West & Bob Wells + Dina Woodruff
Individual Hosts Barbara Archer + Irene Aronin + Helen Ballard + Katherine Bass + Louise & Peter Bray + Terri & Michael Cameron + Bruce Cohen + Louis Corrigan + Anne Dennington + Rich Gere + Grace & Philip Ihrig + Beth Jones + Susan Kingery + Mitchell Klink + Marianne Lambert + Chris Lewis + Jay Mitchell + Saundra Robinson + Lu Steed + Debby Stockton
Presenting Sponsors Colony Square + PNC + SKYY Vodka
Platinum Sponsors Adams Outdoor + Argent Trust Company + AT&T + Direct Furniture Outlet
Gold Sponsors Butler Snow + 24/7 Movers + Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles + BoBo + Smith Hanes + Imagers + Myott + Orpheus Brewing + Tower Wine
Silver Sponsors PennHouse Productions + Trackstar Communications + The Wilbert Group
The Hambidge Center is funded in part by the LUBO Fund, the Fulton County Commission under the guidance of Fulton County Arts & Culture, the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly, and the National Endowment for the Arts.