The 2021 Hambidge Art Auction + Performance Parties
Performance Parties
October 16-23, 2021
Presented by PNC, this year’s Hambidge Art Auction + Performance Parties was held over an entire week, with four live events, PLUS Live Streaming during the Closing Party at the site of our host, Adrenaline.
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Due to the resurgence of Covid-19, we shifted to a series of limited-capacity private events open to our patrons, sponsors and participating artists.
Monday, October 11 – Online Auction Opened
Saturday, October 16 – Opening Pancake Brunch Reception and Artwork Viewing - featuring a musical performance Dan Carey Bailey and Quinn Mason, an improvised duet with woodwinds, synthesizers, strings and percussion, and special guest Lonnie Holley.
Wednesday, October 20 – Collector’s Preview with special guest Michael Rooks, Wieland Family Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, High Museum of Art
Thursday, October 21 – Emerging Collector’s Event
Guest speakers were Anne Tracht, curator and President of ConsultArt, Inc, and dedicated local collector, Greg Head. The panel was moderated by Hambidge’s Deputy Director, Ife Williams.
Monday - Friday October 15-22 – In-person Artwork Viewing by Appointments - Open to the public.
Saturday, October 23 – Final Auction Event - Lauri Stallings + glo created a new world living installation in Lonnie’s honor with flooding soma perceptions as higher nature frequencies for love.
Featured chefs at our events included Yola Ksiazczyk, Duy Huynh, Molli Voraotsady, and Brad Forbslom, curated by Chef Nhan Le of Octopus Bar and 8Arm fame.

Lonnie Holley
Judy Barber + Rutu Chaudhari + Erica DeChicchis + William Downs + Rachel K. Garceau + Bari Love + Karen Rolader
Jamie Badoud + Kathryn Banks + George Long + Dayna Thacker + Maddie Veira + Ife Williams + Helen Ziga
Judy Barber + Michael Bishop (Chair) + Lucinda Chapman + Rutu Chaudhari + Erica DeChicchis + William Downs + Rachel K. Garceau + Caroline Howell + Bari Love + Jennifer Stack Moore + Lynn Pollard + Karen Rolader + Yusef Sullivan + Anne Lambert Tracht + Gregor Turk + Lucinda Bunnen (Trustee Emerita) + Helen Meadors (Trustee Emerita)
Our sincere thanks to all the artists who give their time, energy & talent in support of Hambidge. All proceeds go toward Hambidge residencies for today’s brightest talents at our 600-acre creative sanctuary in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Corinne Adams + Lisa Alembik + Ashley Anderson + Steven L. Anderson + Haylee Anne + Justin W. Archer + Anita Arliss + Dave Armistead + Meg Aubrey + David Baerwalde & Alex Martinez + Sabrina J. Barilone + Temme Barkin-Leeds + Michael Barringer + Rose M. Barron + Alisa Barry + Bonnie Beauchamp-Cooke + Laura Bell + Lloyd Benjamin + Rick Berman + Jorie Berman + Mitchell Biggio + Kimberly Binns + Khalilah Birdsong + Mike Black + Eileen Braun + William Buchanan + Emily Budd + Rebecca J. Buglio + Caroline Bullock + Lucinda W. Bunnen + Sierra Bush + Cynthia Camlin + Mandy Cano Villalobos + Philip Carpenter + Mindy Chaffin + Merrilee Challiss + Chris Chambers + Angelyn S. Chandler + Natalie Chanin + In Kyoung Chun + Jermaine Clark + Marcia R. Cohen + Kevin E. Cole + Kathy Colt + Carla Contreras + Martha Cook + Eilis Crean + Shannon Davis + Maggie Davis + Elyse Defoor + Helen DeRamus + Wendy DesChene + Manty Dey + Patrick Di Rito + Terri Dilling + Craig Dongoski + John Donovan + William Downs + JOEKINGATL aka Joe Dreher + Amandine Drouet + Scott Eakin + Sabre Esler + Naomi J. Falk + Peter Ferrari + Margaret Fletcher + Doug Foltz + Gail Foster + Ruth Franklin + Amy Freeman + Lynda Frese + Coulter Fussell + Amalia Galdona Broche + Angus Galloway + Rachel K. Garceau + Rich Gere + Alex Gingrow + Jean C. Glenn + Emily J. Gómez + Krista Grecco + Amanda Greene + Lori Haas + Matt Haffner + Linda Hall + Lydia A. Harris + Lisa Hart + Dana Haugaard + Megan Heeres + Jenny Henley + Isys Hennigar + Julie Henry + Melissa Herrington + Margaret Hiden + Hollis Hildebrand-Mills + Julia Hill + Susan Hillyard + Lonnie Holley + Roxane Hollosi + Donna M. Horn + HOUSE of TAU + Clare Hu + Tim Hunter + William Hutnick + Raluca Iancu + Scott Ingram + Roberto Jamora + Anna Jensen + Carol John + Jeremiah Jossim + Marina Kassianidou + Barrie Kaufman + Marcus Kenney + George King + Trevor Matthew King + Cassia Kite + Cynthia Knapp + Julia Knight + David J. Knox + Kathryn Kolb + Judy Morris Lampert + Tracey Lane + Tiffany LaTrice + Jack Lawing + Michelle Laxalt + Ruth Laxson + Mark Leibert + Makeda Lewis + Carl Linstrum + George Long + Tyrus Lytton + Casey McGuire & Mark Schoon + Forest McMullin + Michi Meko + Mia Merlin + Jack Michael + Donna Mintz + Marryam Moma + Lynn Sterling Montagne + Jiha Moon + Kemp Mooney + Jennifer Stack Moore + Pam Moxley + Sara Murphy + Tracy Murrell + Eleanor Neal + Dorothy O'Connor + Melissa Payne Baker + Joseph Pearson + Fahamu Pecou + Joe Peragine + Allen Peterson + George Peterson via Signature Contemporary Craft + Jo A. Peterson + Meg Pierce + Amanda Grae Platner + Rainey Rawles + Adrina Richard + Carley Rickles + Susan S. Robert + Rana Rochat + Helen Rogers + Pam Rogers + Stacie U. Rose + Jeff Schmuki + Barbara Schreiber + Michael Scoggins + Jerry Siegel + Jess Self + Corrina Sephora + Robert Sherer + Erin Sledd + Stephanie Smith + Ann Stewart + Elizabeth Stockton + Lauren Pallotta Stumberg + Sergio Suarez + Thomas Swanston + Dayna Thacker + Orlando Thompson II + Parker Thorton + Adana Tillman + Saudade Toxosi + Penny Treese + V. Elizabeth Turk + Gregor Turk + Vadis Turner + Lisa Tuttle + Madeline D. Veira + Brittney Ferrette Washington + Charlie Watts + Marci Mendel White + Matthew White + Lisa Whittington Martha Whittington + Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan + Cori Williams + Ife Williams + Antoine Williams + Barb Williams + Pandra Williams + Vanessa Brook Williams + Andy Moon Wilson + Susie Winton + Nicole Rene Woodard + Anderson Wrangle + Jamele W. Wright Sr. + Jennifer Yorke
ARTISTS who contributed a $100 BUY-IT-NOW Piece
Corinne Adams + Lisa Alembik + Ashley Anderson + Steven L. Anderson + Haylee Anne + Antoneisha||Ashay + Meg Aubrey + Sabrina J. Barilone + Michael Barringer + Rose M. Barron + Alisa Barry + Lloyd Benjamin + Rick Berman + Kimberly Binns + Eileen Braun + William Buchanan + Demetri Burke + Sierra Bush + Philip Carpenter + Chris Chambers + Angelyn Chandler + Kathy Colt + Carla Contreras + Jaynie Crimmins + Shannon Davis + Maggie Davis + Ellie Dent + Helen DeRamus + Manty Dey + Patrick Di Rito + Terri Dilling + William Downs + JOEKINGATL aka Joe Dreher + Amandine Drouet + Didi Dunphy + Scott Eakin + Naomi J. Falk + Gail Foster + Amy Freeman + Alex Gingrow + Lori Haas + Matt Haffner + Lydia A. Harris + Lisa Hart + Jenny Henley + Julie Henry + Melissa Herrington + Julia Hill + Roxane Hollosi + Donna M. Horn + HOUSE of TAU + Caroline Howell + Clare Hu + Tim Hunter + Raluca Iancu + Anna Jensen + Ann Johnson + George King + Cassia Kite + Cynthia Knapp + Kathryn Kolb + Judy Morris Lampert + Tracey Lane + Jack Lawing + Gracelee Lawrence + Nuni Lee + Lori Lejeune + Makeda Lewis + Anya Liftig + Carl Linstrum + Bari R. Love + Forest McMullin + Jack Michael + Lynn Sterling Montagne + Jiha Moon + Jennifer Stack Moore + Sara Murphy + Tracy Murrell + Eleanor Neal + Sharon Norwood + Melissa Payne Baker + Joseph Pearson + Carley Rickles + Stacie U. Rose + Corrina Sephora + Erin Sledd + Stephanie Smith + Sergio Suarez + Tom Swanston + Parker Thorton + Saudade Toxosi + Penny Treese + V. Elizabeth Turk + Lisa Tuttle + Brittney Ferrette Washington + Charlie Watts + Taylor White + Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan + Cori Williams + Ife Williams + Susie Winton + Anderson Wrangle + Jamele Wright + Helen Ziga
Lucinda Bunnen
Ron and Susan Antinori
Anonymous + iResearch Atlanta + Lee & Dawn Walker
Suzanne Arpin + Helme Calfee + Sherry & Jeff Cohen + Margaret & Dallas Denny + Chris & Abby Hughes + Rosemary Magee + Lynn Pollard + Karen & Clay Rolader + Barb & Thom Williams + Kathy & David Williams
Rick & Lyn Asbill + Susan Aspinwall + Meredith Bell + Michael Bishop & Shane Thomas + Karen & Steve Boor + Anna & Fuller Callaway + Lucinda Chapman + Lynn Cochran + Rebecca & Michael Cochran + Martha Eskew + Carol and Jim Fleter + Liz Gillespie + Judy Higgins + Nancy Hooff + Wanda Hopkins + Caroline Howell + Allan Keiter + Bari & Russell Love + Kayla and Rob Osborne + Marsha Taylor + Anne Lambert Tracht + Steven & Woodie Wisebram
Barbara Archer & Peter Hand + Susan Bridges + Charles Driebe + Dr. Gordon Mansergh + Beth Jones + Elizabeth & David Martin + Karen & Fisher Paty
PNC Bank
Rubenstein Partners + Revel
Myott Studio + Chef Nhan Le + Smith Hanes Studio
Banjo Coffee + Post Meridiem Spirit Company + Wild Leap Craft Beer + Topo Chico
Jasmine Nicole Williams