2024 Hambidge Art Auction & Masquerade
October 17-26, 2024
The 29th annual Hambidge Art Auction & Masquerade offered an evening of creative glamour at the beautiful Atrium of Uptown Atlanta. It showcased over 200 emerging and established artists in a silent online auction, along with a special section of art priced at $100 with no bidding (see the Artists list below). The artwork could be viewed in person from October 13-25 at Uptown Atlanta. Starting on October 12, the silent auction artwork could be viewed and bid upon online. The Masquerade featured a dazzling parade of creative masks and inspired attire, in addition to feet-moving, soul-stirring performances, including an on-site installation by Shanequa Gay; a movement performance by Jimmy Joyner; spirited New Orleans second line music by Groovemasters Brass Band; and rhythms & chants by Thump. (Read more about the performers below.)
Masks were encouraged, but not required.
Chow à La Carte offered food for purchase on the night of the Masquerade. VIPs got an extra-special culinary experience by Whoopsie's on both Thursday (VIP Party) and Saturday nights. Drinks were provided by Cathead Vodka, Sceptre Brewing Arts, and The Wine Group.
All proceeds support our creative residency program and our mission to nurture creativity.
Enjoy photos of the event by Richard DuCree and Hambidge Staff, and a video by R&D Studios.
In preparation for our Masquerade, we explored the many ways to make a creative mask by holding a series of free artist-led Mask-Making Fun Labs around Atlanta.
Thursday, September 5, at Whitespace Gallery with Didi Dunphy (photos shown here)
Thursday, September 26, at Teller Productions with Scottie Rowell (cancelled due to the hurricane)
Tuesday, October 1, at Bella Cucina with Dayna Thacker & Susan Ker-Seymer
Thursday, October 3, at Uptown Atlanta during Music on Main, sponsored by Uptown Atlanta
Wednesday, October 9, at Whoopsie’s with George Long and PhaeMonae
Thursday, October 10, at The Temporary Atlanta with Jamie Badoud & Hambidge Fellow Friends
Thursday, October 17, at the Art Auction Opening Artist Reception at Uptown Atlanta
with Lonnie Holley
Saturday, October 19, at The Goat Farm with Sachi Rome
Shanequa will create an on-site installation in the Auction space.
Shanequa Gay’s selected exhibitions include the four womxn, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, (2024); European Cultural Centre Personal Structures-REFLECTION, 59th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, (2022); Atlanta Biennial, Atlanta Contemporary (2021); Le Monde Bossale, Montreal, Canada, in (2021); and Holding Space for Nobility: A Memorial for Breonna Taylor, Ackland Museum, Chapel Hill North Carolina (2020). Gay exhibits her works and procures residencies within the United States, Europe, Japan, and South Africa. She is a Do-Good Fellow recipient, an Emory University Arts and Social Justice Fellow (2020), a Hudgens Prize Finalist (2022), the first Inaugural Visual Artist-in-Residence at Oglethorpe University (2022-23), a Hambidge Center Fellow (2023), and is one of five Georgia Women to Watch selected by the Georgia Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts (2023). Gay is a visiting Lecturer at Spelman College.
Gay is a Black Southern Storyteller. Her work draws upon ritual and personal memory, magical realism and the deep well of southern Black traditions. Her fodder is play, indigenous belief systems and the spirit of African-Ascendant Womyn and girls finding Divinity in self. She is invested in counter narratives, mythology, and the expansion of the Black imaginary. She engages in this practice through installations, paintings, performance, photography, video and monumental sculptural figures.
Photos by Chrisitna Massad.
Jimmy will perform Red Tethers, which acts as a ritual of aliveness that tethers a past to a more robust queer future for all Atlantans. It centers on queer Atlantans lost to HIV/AIDS and the hope that remains from their dreams, and is performed with a sound score created by Jimmy and Nicholas Goodly.
Jimmy Joyner is an Atlanta based performance artist and team member with Fly on a Wall who has been working as a dancer and collaborator for the past 20 years. Jimmy believes in the instinctual healing qualities of art making and is interested in thinking alongside others in horizontal formations to create opportunities for new bodies to present themselves. They have received grants from A&E Atlanta, The Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs and are a 2021 Hambidge Distinguished Fellow.
Nicholas Goodly is the author of Black Swim (Copper Canyon, 2022). They are a team member of the performing arts platform Fly on a Wall and Poetry Editor for Wussy Mag. Nicholas was a finalist for the 2020 Jake Adam York Prize, runner-up for the 2019 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, and recipient of the 2017 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship, among other awards. Their work has appeared in Poetry Magazine, The New Yorker, Boston Review, BOMB, The Poetry Project, Lambda Literary, Narrative Magazine, and elsewhere.
For almost a decade, the Groovemasters Brass Band has been bringing “dat fire” to audiences all over the city of Atlanta. Composed of some of Atlanta’s best jazz and R&B musicians, the Groovemasters are dedicated to bringing New Orleans second line flavor to Georgia. Driving dance rhythms, the power of trumpets, trombones and saxophones, and just a bit of shout chorus, encompasses the essence of a true second line band–and that’s what you get with GMBB.
Rhythms and chants with Matthew Carmichael, Grady Cousins, Chris Gravely, Caleb Herron, Jared Lanham, Mark Little, and Thomas Philpot
Marina Abramovic + Corinne Adams + April Adewole + Lisa Alembik + Ashley Anderson + Steven L. Anderson + Meg Aubrey + David Baerwalde + Temme Barkin-Leeds + Michael Barringer + Rose M. Barron + Alisa Barry + Melissa Basham + Bonnie Beauchamp Cooke + Laura Bell + Jorie Berman + Rick Berman + Soma Blue + Jeremy Bolen + Maggie Jones Boudreaux + Kelly Breedlove + Rob Brinson + Mattiel Brown + Roxanne Brown + Lela Brunet + Jaime Bull + Caroline Bullock + Lucinda Bunnen + Kate Burke + Craig Burkhalter + Anthony Campos + Philip Carpenter + Mindy Chaffin + Hannah Chalew + Merrilee Challiss + Angelyn S. Chandler + In Kyoung Chun + AD Kaya Clark + Kathy Colt + Don Cooper + Corinna Cowles + Rosita Czekala + Isabell Daniel + Elyse Defoor + Crystal Desai + Wendy DesChene + Patrick Di Rito + rEN Dillard + Terri Covington Dilling + France Dorman + Treyvian Dowell + William Downs + Richard DuCree + Nicole Duet + Didi Dunphy + Chris Dziejowski + Scott Eakin + Thaddeus Erdhal + Sabre Esler + Hanna Etelalahti + Eddie Farr + Doug Foltz + Gail Foster + Jill Frank + Coulter Fussell + Angus Galloway + Rachel K. Garceau + Shanequa Gay + Rich Gere + Karen Graffeo + Krista Grecco + Earline M. Green + Amanda Greene + Alexis Gregg + Lori Haas + Matt Haffner + Tom Haney + Lydia A. Harris + Heather Bird Harris + Dana Haugaard + Donté K. Hayes + Jodi Hays + Jessica Helfrecht + Jenny Henley + Judy Henson + Julia Hill + Laurence Holden + Lonnie Holley + Roxane Hollosi + House of TAU + Jodie Hutchens + Scott Ingram + Diane Kempler + Susan Ker-Seymer + Cassia Kite + Jason Kofke + Kathryn Kolb + Maria Korol + Kate Kretz + Judy Morris Lampert + Robbie Land + Nuni Lee + Kyle Lee + Mark Leibert + Makeda Jean Lewis + Mark Liebert + Ester Lipscomb + George Long + Tyrus Lytton + Gabi Madrid + Shoccara Marcus + April Marten + Dominique Maru + Zap McConnell + Casey McGuire + Forest McMullin + Michi Meko + Yari J. Mena + Charmaine Minniefield + Donna Mintz + Ruth Moffatt + Marryam Moma + Jennifer Stack Moore + Megan Mosholder + Leylis MR. + Tracy Murrell + Eleanor Neal + Laura Allen Noel + Dorothy O'Connor + W. Chester Old + John Oles + Dr. Fahamu Pecou + Allen Peterson + Jo A. Peterson + Marinelly Piñango + Amanda Grae Platner + Allie Pohl + Reggie Pointer + Kyle Raymond + Beau Raymond + Michael Reese + Seana Reilly + Ato Ribeiro + David Clayton Robinson + Rocio Rodriguez + Helen Rogers + Sachi Rome + Stacie U. Rose + Deb Rosenbury + Rial Rye + Carol Santos + Ted Saupe, Courtesy of Signature Gallery + Jeff Schmuki + Shanon Schneider + Mark Schoon + Karen Schwartz + Corrina Sephora + Kimberly Shelton + Robert Sherer + Lisa Shinault + Tim Short + Jena Sibille + Erin Sledd + Stephanie Smith + Royce Soble + Michele Stancil + Marcy Starz + Ann Stewart + Thomas Swanston + Ellex Swavoni + Dayna Thacker + Constance Thalken + Mary Callan Thomas Tiffany Thomas + Tori Tinsley + Gregor Turk + Lisa Tuttle + Karen Varsha + Igor Vavrovsky + Roy Wallace + Christian Bradley West + Matthew White + Lisa Whittington + Martha Whittington + Jeffrey Wilcox + Ife Williams + Susie Winton + Ed Woodham + Jennifer Yorke & Lynne Huffer + Olga Yukhno + Soo Kim Yung + Nyala Yvonne + Helen Ziga
Corinne Adams + Lisa Alembik + Ashley Anderson + Steven L. Anderson + Kathryn Armstrong + David Baerwalde + Michael Barringer + Rose M. Barron + Alisa Barry + Bonnie Beauchamp Cooke + Laura Bell + Rick Berman + Soma Mekatilili Blue + Maggie Jones Boudreaux + Kelly Breedlove + Aneisah Brown + Mattiel Brown + Roxanne Brown + Lela Brunet + Craig Burkhalter + Anthony Campos + Philip Carpenter + Mindy Chaffin + Merrilee Challiss + Angelyn S. Chandler + AD Kaya Clark + Carla Contreras + Don Cooper + Corinna Cowles + Rosita Czekala + Shannon Davis + Helen DeRamus + Crystal Desai + Wendy DesChene + Manty Dey + rEN Dillard + Terri Covington Dilling + Patrick DiRito + France Dorman + Treyvian Dowell + Richard A. DuCree + Nicole Duet + Didi Dunphy + Scott Eakin + Cristina Easterbrook + Hanna Etelalahti + Eddie Farr + Matthew Flores + Julie Fordham + Jill Frank + Coulter Fussell + Rachel K. Garceau + Rich Gere + Karen Graffeo + Earline M. Green + Alexis Gregg + Lori Haas + Matt Haffner + Frank Hamrick + Lydia A. Harris + Jessica Helfrecht + Julie Henry + Judy Henson + Julia Hill + Roxane Hollosi + Jodie Hutchens + Scott Ingram + Anna Jensen + Chris Kelly + Susan Ker-Seymer + Cassia Kite + Jason Kofke + Kathryn Kolb + Kate Kretz + Wendy Kusmaul Keeling + Judy Morris Lampert + Tracey Lane + Jack Lawing + Nuni Lee + Lori Lejeune + Makeda Jean Lewis + Elizabeth Lide + Ester Lipscomb + George Long + Beth Loveland + Tyrus Lytton + Gabi Madrid + Shoccara Marcus + Dominique Maru + Zap McConnell + Casey McGuire + Forest McMullin + Yari J. Mena + Marryam Moma + Jennifer Stack Moore + Leylis MR. + Tracy Murrell + Autumn Nelson + Laura Allen Noel + Dorothy O'Connor + W. Chester Old + John Oles + Kate Pak + Melissa Payne Baker + Joseph Peragine + PhaeMonae + Marinelly Piñango + Kyle Potts + Kip Ramey + Joy Ray + Noah Reyes + Jesse Ring + David Clayton Robinson + Donald Robson + Rocio Rodriguez + Sachi Rome + Stacie U. Rose + Deb Rosenbury + Stephanie A. Rozene + Rial Rye + Shanon Schneider + Mark Schoon & Casey McGuire + Corrina Sephora + Robert Sherer + Jena Sibille + Erin Sledd + Stephanie Smith + Royce Soble + Michele Stancil + Richard Sudden + Tiffany Thomas + Tori Tinsley + Penny Treese + Gregor Turk + Lisa Tuttle + Igor Vavrovsky + Hellenne Vermillion + Christian Bradley West + Jeffrey Wilcox + Cori Williams + Ife Williams + Jasmine Nicole Williams + Susie Winton + Ed Woodham + Jennifer Yorke + Soo Kim Yung + Nyala Yvonne + Helen Ziga +
Susan & Ron Antinori + Chubb + Ann & Tom Cousins + Anonymous
Lynn Pollard
Sherry & Jeff Cohen + The Goat Farm + Wanda Hopkins + Melissa Bunnen Jernigan & James Jernigan + KS Family Foundation + Rosemary Magee + Erika & John Montag + Perennial Properties, Inc. + Belinda & Ken Reusch + Nancy Shaidnagle & Gene Luckey + Joe Staley & Stuart Clayton + Lee Walker & Dawn McNaught-Walker + Barb & Thom Williams
Claire Bowen + Butler Snow/David Williams Jr. + Anna & Fuller Callaway + Rebecca & Michael Cochran + Margaret & Dallas Denny + Mari & Jim Fonger + Audra Dial & Matthew Ford + Didi Dunphy + Martha Eskew & Chet Tisdale + Liz Gillespie + Mason & Erin Green + Nancy Hooff + Allan Keiter & Elizabeth Clubb + Mitchell Klink + Jenny Miller & Ben Findley + Judy & Scott Lampert + Liz Lapidus & Jeff Levy + Chris Lewis & John H. Johnson + Bari & Russell Love + One Consulting Group + Rob Osborne + Georgia Schley Ritchie & Diff Ritchie + Paula Francis Rogers + Karen & Clay Rolader + Kristen Rolando & Kimberley Campbell + Keith Schumann + John Sibley + Marsha Taylor + Anne Lambert Tracht & David Tracht + Dick Vincent + Mary Anne Walser, Atlanta Fine Homes + Kathy & David Williams + Michelle & Jonathan Williams + Diane Wisebram + Woodie & Steve Wisebram
Corinne & Jeff Adams + Irene Aronin + Katy Barksdale + Susan Bridges + Jennifer Brooks + Catherine Cage + Jim & Pat Durrett + Caroline Howell + Ann Johnson + Dr. Gordon Mansergh + Quentin Moses + Beth Jones + Patricia Robinson + Akilah Wise + Anonymous