Andrew Hladky


I was seeking a period of solitude in order to think clearly about what I want to do with my artistic practice and in order to focus every day, all day on making things. The freedom that Hambidge provided from the distractions and responsibilities of everyday life allowed me to think long and deeply about how I want to develop my work - the interaction between image and sculpture in my 3-dimensional paintings, and the effect I want these objects to have on the viewer. I developed a series of drawings exploring my ideas that will become finished artwork in their own right.

The focus I found during my residency also allowed me to make progress that would have been impossible in my normal life. I began a new series of sculptural paintings and developed them to a point that would have taken weeks or months outside of Hambidge. The time, space and support provided by Hambidge allowed me to clear my head of distraction, think clearly and effectively about what I'm doing, and develop my work in ways that will sustain my artistic practice for years to come.

– Andrew Hladky, Maryland, Painting

Dayna Thacker